Terms and Conditions
Lessons are normally given on a weekly basis during school term, although bi-weekly lessons are also possible.
N.B. During school holidays, lessons are NOT given except by special arrangement – and even then PLEASE RING THE DAY BEFORE TO CONFIRM. This is because I am in ‘holiday mode’ during these periods and not running to a timetable!
(This does not apply during periods of Covid-19 lockdown, as many Zoom lessons run into holiday time during lockdown.)
See separate table of fees. Payment by BACS (bank transfer), with reference, is preferred. If paying by cheque, please make payable to ‘James Eisner’, and hand deliver or send to me. Please do not make an anonymous over-the-counter bank deposit! Payment can be made either on the day of the lesson or in advance; there is a discount for block payment (at least three lessons) as set out in the “Scale of Charges” (but see 7 below).
Punctuality is appreciated, but five minutes’ leeway may be needed, as lessons sometimes run late. If you come early, you will probably have to wait!
Online lessons (on Zoom) will normally start punctually.
The lesson may be cancelled by either party NOT LESS THAN 36 HOURS IN ADVANCE, by EMAIL OR TEXT ONLY. (Please ensure I have responded – if I have not, please ring or text! Verbal and handwritten notification is no longer accepted, as I am likely to forget the former and lose the latter.) Where you cannot send an email (e.g. you are somewhere with no internet access) a text is acceptable, but please follow it up with an email when you can, so that I have a record I can find later. Every effort will be made to arrange an alternative time or the lesson will be carried over to the following week.
In cases of illness or other unforeseen emergency where 36 hours’ notice is not possible, a cancellation fee is charged, amounting to half the cost of the lesson.
In all other cases of absence the lesson will be charged in full.
Students are expected to practise at home following the guidance notes written at the end of each of the lesson in their notebook which is given out at the first lesson (for distance learning, the student will need to provide their own). This notebook is to be brought to each lesson, and notes should be read by the student and (in the case of minors) also by a parent. Where the parent is not present during the lesson, the notebook is the main channel of communication between teacher and parent.
A list of projected lesson dates is included in the invoice at the start of each new term. Should a student’s holiday arrangements differ from these, please let me know as soon as possible: a minimum of 36 hours’ notice in writing is required to avoid a charge for missed lessons.
Should you have any reason to discontinue your block lessons you must give 3 paid lessons’ notice IN WRITING (letter or email), or pay for 3 lessons in lieu of notice. Anyone not prepared to make this commitment should continue to pay for lessons individually.